Sangford Schools, Innovation in Education. Chennai, Kanchipuram

Special Education

Sangford genuinely cares about children with learning disabilities. We accommodate children with learning disabilities as well as slow learners, with or without a shadow teacher, depending on the child's needs.

Common Traits of Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia

  • Consistently low marks in subjects.
  • Frequent complaints from school about poor concentration, lack of responsiveness in class, distraction, and disturbing others.
  • Skipping words and sentences while writing and reading.
  • Frustration with writing and reading tasks.
  • Confusion with similar-looking letters and numbers, such as "b" and "d," "15" and "51," and mathematical symbols like "+," "-".
  • Difficulty distinguishing left from right.
  • Awkward pencil grip, frequent erasing, overwriting, and messy handwriting.
  • Trouble following directions.
  • Difficulty remembering stories after hearing them, indicating problems with storing, processing, and producing information
  • Below grade level in reading, spelling, writing, study, and language skills.
  • Reversals in reading and writing (e.g., reading 'saw' as 'was').
  • Difficulty in decision-making and organizational skills.
  • Problems with time concepts and mathematical concepts.
  • Slow work habits and poor eye-hand coordination.
  • Common Types of Learning Disabilities


    • Difficulty with reading
    • Problems with reading, writing, spelling, speaking


    • Difficulty with math
    • Problems doing math problems, understanding time, using money


    • Difficulty with writing
    • Problems with handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas

    Dyspraxia (Sensory Integration Disorder)

    • Difficulty with fine motor skills
    • Problems with hand-eye coordination, balance, manual dexterity


    • Difficulty with language
    • Problems understanding spoken language, poor reading comprehension

    Auditory Processing Disorder

    • Difficulty hearing differences between sounds
    • Problems with reading, comprehension, language

    Visual Processing Disorder

    • Difficulty interpreting visual information
    • roblems with reading, math, maps, charts, symbols, pictures

    Types of Learner

    Everyone receives information about the world around us through our senses. Our primary senses include Taste (Gustatory), Smell (Olfactory), Touch (Tactile), Movement and Space (Kinesthetic), Hearing (Auditory), and Seeing (Visual). Each person is unique in the way they use these senses. Most of us fall into one of the following four styles of learning through our senses:

    • Visual Learner
    • Auditory Learner
    • Tactile Learner
    • Kinesthetic Learner

    Accommodation in the public Exams

    Nowadays, India's education boards, including STATE, CBSE, and ICSE, recognize specific learning disabilities such as Dyslexia and provide examination provisions on a case-by-case basis. The common provisions are listed below:

    • Extra time to complete the exam
    • Marking for content while overlooking spelling errors
    • Overlooking grammatical errors
    • Use of a calculator for Mathematics
    • Dropping a second language
    • Use of a scribe for writing the exam


    Consultation given by appointment regarding following area

    • Screening of Dyslexia
    • We conduct assessments to identify the child's needs and strengths, aiming to understand the reasons for poor academic performance.

    Consultation By,
    Jayanthi Sivakumar, B.Sc., MBA., B.Ed., (Spl. Ed.), ECP(USA)
    Administrative Director, Early Childhood Programmer (USA),
    Certified Dyslexia Professional,
    Phone: 9840639084

    Find out the challenging area in following skills

    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Listening
    • Spelling
    • Comprehension
    • Copying Skills
    • Subject wise
    • Visual Perception

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